2021 Housing Snapshots
In support of its advocacy for more housing choices for current residents, newcomers, and future generations, the Coalition for More Housing Choices is sharing snapshots of cities in the Puget Sound region. The goal of these snapshots is to help increase transparency and illuminate challenges and opportunities to consider in the work to create more housing.
Coalition Resources
2021 Local Housing Snapshots
The housing affordability crisis is broadly felt by all who call the Puget Sound home. The following snapshots focus on King County’s largest cities—those with a population greater than 35,000. Each snapshot features publicly available data and steps cities are taking to facilitate housing.
The Coalition also prepared an infographic comparing some of the key data points across all 13 cities included in the snapshot project.
In providing these snapshots, the Coalition hopes that they may serve as a collaborative resource for informing conversations about how to expand more housing choices, using approaches founded in effective policies and tailored for the local needs of each city.